14 8月 2023

Canada bans transgender people from euthanasia

 So you cut off your pisyun, now live with it and suffer, because you don’t care!

In short, a man in Canada lived such a story, but in 2009 he decided that he was not a man, but a sexy beauty Lois Cardinal. No sooner said than done, the flag is in your... Lois hands. Doctors promptly changed his gender and then hell began. It turned out that the surgically created vagina is painful, sexual intercourse did not bring him any joy, plus problems with urination began. 

The agony of repentance, combined with terrible pain, prompted the former man to apply for euthanasia. But doctors, who usually easily give permission for medical care of life, this time lost their heads and refused .

To all Lois's assurances that he couldn't live like this any longer, they just brushed it aside and said that they needed to continue taking hormonal pills and sincerely believe that he was now a woman. Moreover, the pseudo-mamad herself claims that there is no help from doctors, only one conversation, and 14 years ago he made a colossal mistake, which now only euthanasia can correct. Now Lois is 35 years old and actively opposes such gender reassignment surgeries.

According to a recent study by the University of Florida, most people who undergo medical gender reassignment experience pain and discomfort after vaginoplasty.

Pain during intercourse and bladder problems are also common.

“ Transgender woman Lois Cardinal wants to be euthanized due to her terrible pain and deep remorse for the surgery she had undergone. A transgender indigenous woman criticized Canada's healthcare system for turning down her request. The Canadian right to euthanasia is very liberal, but the doctor refused, saying there were treatment options. But the law does not require those who want to die to have access to such assistance.

Источник: https://fishki.net/4470001-v-kanade-zapretili-transgenderu-delaty-jevtanaziju.html?from=upd © Fishki.net

“ Transgender woman Lois Cardinal wants to be euthanized due to her terrible pain and deep remorse for the surgery she had undergone. A transgender indigenous woman criticized Canada's healthcare system for turning down her request. The Canadian right to euthanasia is very liberal, but the doctor refused, saying there were treatment options. But the law does not require those who want to die to have access to such assistance.

Lois Cardinal believes that the euthanasia request was denied on political and cultural grounds related to the contentious issue of gender ideology: Doctors are more interested in what pronouns she uses than how to ease her pain. "

Источник: https://fishki.net/4470001-v-kanade-zapretili-transgenderu-delaty-jevtanaziju.html?from=upd © Fishki.net

Lois Cardinal believes that the euthanasia request was denied on political and cultural grounds related to the contentious issue of gender ideology: Doctors are more interested in what pronouns she uses than how to ease her pain. "

Well, as they say, for what you fought with that and live.
