14 6月 2023

Surprising Facts About Astronautics

Some of these facts are pretty funny. For example, do you know that Yuri Gagarin was a garishker? Now you know :)!


What are astronauts called in other countries

From childhood, we got used to the fact that astronauts are called astronauts. Well, still astronauts, so be it. But residents of other countries will not agree with this, for example: In Japan, astronauts are uchi-koshi. Garyshkers in Kakhanstan In France - rescuers In Germany - raumfarers Taikonauts in China In Hungary - urhaios In India - Viomanauts (and at first there were “Gaganauts”) In Tanzania, Mwanaanga B Mongolia - cosmonaut In South Korea, wujuin In Iran - kayhannavard But in most countries of the world, people flying into space are called astronauts. And in the USSR, until 1960, Gagarin was called an astronaut pilot in documents. And just before the flight, they decided to find a “Russian” word. So the word "astronaut" appeared. Which, by the way, was invented in 1949 by science fiction writer Viktor Saparin in his story “The New Planet”.

Источник: https://fishki.net/4306821-10-udivitelynyh-faktov-o-kosmonavtike.html © Fishki.net

From childhood, we got used to the fact that astronauts are called astronauts. Well, still astronauts, so be it. But residents of other countries will not agree with this, for example:

In Japan, astronauts are uchi-koshi.

In Kakhanstan - Garyshkers

In France - rescuers 

In Germany - raumfarers 

in China - Taikonauts

In Hungary - urhaios 

In India - Viomanauts (and at first there were “Gaganauts”) 

In Tanzania, Mwanaanga 

In Mongolia - cosmonaut 

In South Korea, wujuin 

In Iran - kayhannavard 

But in most countries of the world, people flying into space are called astronauts. And in the USSR, until 1960, Gagarin was called an astronaut pilot in documents. And just before the flight, they decided to find a “Russian” word. So the word "astronaut" appeared. Which, by the way, was invented in 1949 by science fiction writer Viktor Saparin in his story “The New Planet”.

Before the flight of Yuri Gagarin prepared three messages

Yuri Gagarin

One message was written about the successful flight, the second message was an obituary for Yuri Gagarin, and the third message was about the loss of the spacecraft in an unknown location.

Источник: https://fishki.net/4306821-10-udivitelynyh-faktov-o-kosmonavtike.html © Fishki.net

One message was written about the successful flight, the second message was an obituary for Yuri Gagarin, and the third message was about the loss of the spacecraft in an unknown location.

Astronauts “grow up” in orbit. Some are 9 centimeters!

 In space conditions, the spine “rests” from stress, the cartilaginous tissue in the intervertebral discs straightens out, and astronauts become longer. The minimum height was 2 cm, and the maximum 9 centimeters

For all the time of space flights, not a single astronaut died in orbit

Accidents happened either during takeoff or during landing. 4 cosmonauts died in the USSR, 13 in the USA and one cosmonaut from Israel, who flew on the Columbia spacecraft in 2003.

You can't snore in space


Sleep in space - bases of snoring

In microgravity conditions, the tongue and soft tissues in the pharynx do not sink, but are in weightlessness, therefore there are no reasons for snoring.

You can't sneeze on board a spaceship

Sneezing is a miniature model of a jet engine. You expel a strong stream of air from your mouth. You will either be thrown a few meters to the side, or spin around. Therefore, sneezes in space always hold back.

Space Toothpaste Should Be Swallowed After Brushing


In space, there is no way to rinse your mouth, so astronauts have come up with a special toothpaste that can be swallowed.

Astronauts only sleep with fans

Without a fan in space, it is dangerous to become dangerous - you can suffocate. The fact is that after exhalation, carbon dioxide does not dissipate in space, but collects around the astronaut's head in the form of a bubble. And the astronaut can suffocate. Therefore, carbon dioxide is blown away from the head of the sleeper.

The main item during eating is scissors, not a knife and fork.

Scissors are needed to open vacuum and retort bags that contain space products. If the product is liquid, then it is usually drunk from a straw. But straws are not simple. They have a special valve so that the liquid does not leak out of the bag.

space cafe

You can't eat bread in space. Because of the crumbs that can fly all over the station. Therefore, in space, either tortilla-type cakes or special bread without crumbs are eaten. Pepper and salt are also in an unusually liquid form - they are not sprinkled with salt, but “watered” with salt :).

The first days after landing, astronauts cannot walk.


space rod

Even regular exercise does not help maintain muscle tone in space. After landing, astronauts are taught to walk again. The first days they walk hand in hand with assistants, and only after a few days they begin to move independently.
