25 6月 2023

The story of how the subjects of the wise king plunged into the slop, but retained their honor

 The ruler is not only about courage, strength and courage. Important qualities of any ruler are wisdom and justice. And Alfonso V (1396-1458) - the king of Aragon, Sicily and Sardinia demonstrated them very clearly. After all, it was not for nothing that he received the nickname Magnanimous.

Once Alfonso happened to visit the city of Zaragoza, where there was a jewelry shop with very worthy products. While the king was talking with the owner, the neglected courtiers crawled around the territory and began to tinker with valuable goods. Some bought something, the second asked the price, the third represented the category "I just look."

Alfonso V 

The assistants tried with might and main, but they could not keep everyone in sight - still an impressive retinue of royal court idlers . And a brilliant idea came into someone's very smart head: why not borrow some trinket as a keepsake? Free of charge. That is, a gift. There are still plenty of them left. No sooner said than done. And a modest 11-carat diamond changed hands and ended up in someone's pocket. True, the assistants were not taken aback. They yelled, they say, they rob. And the owner began to methodically tear his hair out, demonstrating the highest degree of grief due to the loss of a pebble, to which he was very attached to his soul.

Alfonso V

But Alfonso was not at a loss: he ordered to immediately lock the door so that no one would enter or leave. The courtiers became sad, because before one of them the prospect of exposure and parting already with the head, to which you get used even more than to some kind of stones, clearly loomed. But the just king did not give the order for a full examination-inspection. And he called the servant and gave him an unexpected order: he ordered to drag a bucket of slops from the nearest tavern. Yes, to fatter and thicker. The order was immediately executed. And he ordered everyone, including local staff, to go to the tub and put their hand in the wash. In fact, it was a delicate and effective way to return the stolen and save honor.

Alfonso was the first to demonstrate the algorithm of actions, not being afraid to dirty the royal hands. Behind him, the rest of those present followed in a file. And one of them was certainly immensely glad to plunge his hand into the muddy contents, although he did not show it. When the rather agitated contents of the tub were thrown out into the street, a diamond sparkled in the sun, the beauty of which could not be hidden either by muddy water, or the remnants of food, or the greedy human soul.

And Alfonso not only showed wisdom and humanity, but also revealed the classic hermetic detective story, which was later resorted to by the best masters of the genre.
