30 6月 2023

Inventors who died from their creations

 Being a pioneer in anything is always risky. These people were not afraid to express themselves with the help of their inventions. Becoming famous scientists, their lives quickly ended. And the reason for this was their own inventions.

About scientists whose lives were cut short because of their own inventions - in the material "Rambler". 

Stockton Rush

Creator and founder of the OceanGate company, which conducted underwater excursions to the wreckage of the Titanic. He was also one of the creators of the bathyscaphe "Titan", which was submerged under water.

Rush himself was born into a wealthy family, had a license to fly and a higher education in the aerospace industry. As a child, he dreamed of becoming the first man on Mars, but then he realized that this would not bring him money. As a result, he began to engage in underwater research and believed that the bathyscaphe "Titan" was practically invulnerable. He was declared dead on June 18, 2023 in the crash of a bathyscaphe.

Thomas Andrews

The shipbuilder was the chief executive of the Harland and Wolff company, which was engaged in the creation of superliners. Andrews' first big project was the Olympia, and his second was the Titanic. He was one of the passengers who went on the ship's maiden voyage. Visitors and employees thanked him, since it was Andrews who made the ship more comfortable for passengers of all classes.

When the Titanic hit the iceberg, Andrews was sleeping in his cabin. He was awakened, he analyzed the situation and declared that the ship could not be saved. Then he began to help people evacuate. According to eyewitnesses, he was last seen in the smoking room - he was sitting and looking at a picture depicting Plymouth Bay.

Marie Curie

This woman is known not only for her scientific discoveries. She made a breakthrough as the first female lecturer at the University of Paris, the first female Nobel laureate and the first person in history to receive two Nobel Prizes. The scientist worked on the study of magnetism, and then began to study radiation. It was she who became the discoverer of radium and polonium, as well as the effect of radioactivity on living tissues.

Curie became the first victim of radiation sickness in history. Due to the fact that she worked with radioactive substances, she received a fairly large dose of radiation. For a long time, doctors did not understand what was happening to her, because at that time medicine did not yet know about radiation sickness. Only after her death did it become clear that she suffered from severe anemia, which was caused by radioactive radiation.
