28 4月 2023

TikTok User Went Viral Because She Dresses Like It’s The ’70s

Have you ever wanted to live in a different era? Like the ’80s or ’70s? Do any of the older years inspire your style or music taste? Well, the ’70s surely inspire Rose Van Rijn.

Rose found an ABBA CD 5 years ago and decided she was going to completely change her style. She cut her hair, bought a new wardrobe, and now looks like she took a portal from 1970 to 2021. She started publishing videos on TikTok and many of them went viral. Lots of people compare her to Princess Diana. Rose even gave a tutorial on how to look like her. Rose isn’t afraid to be herself and dress the way she wants to instead of what’s trending and ‘in’ right now.

More info: Instagram | tiktok.com


Image credits: rosenoraanna

Rose Van Rijn is obsessed with the ’70s

Image credits: rosenoraanna

Rose told : “It all started when I found an old ABBA cd about 5 years ago. I fell in love with their music and I discovered more bands from the ’70s, like the Bee Gees, as well as Olivia Newton-John. When I saw how they dressed and did their hair, I knew I wanted to look like that every single day and so I did.”

She found an Abba CD about 5 years ago and fell in love with the music, vibe, and style of that era

Image credits: rosenoraanna







