31 5月 2023





























#chinese street fashion,更是成为外网新晋爆点话题。


化妝師 Samantha Staines 以其令人毛骨悚然的造型而聞名。 她喜歡嘗試化妝藝術,每款妝容都獨一無二。


美極了! 化妝師試穿怪獸形象 0 來源: boredpanda.com 美極了! 女化妝師試穿怪獸形象 0 來源: boredpanda.com 美極了! 女化妝師試穿怪獸形象 0 來源: boredpanda.com 美極了! 女化妝師試穿怪獸形象 0 來源: boredpanda.com 美極了! 女化妝師試穿怪獸形象 0 來源: boredpanda.com 美極了! 女化妝師試穿怪獸形象 0 來源: boredpanda.com 美極了! 女化妝師試穿怪獸形象 0 來源: boredpanda.com 美極了! 女化妝師試穿怪獸形象 0 來源: boredpanda.com 美極了! 女化妝師試穿怪獸形象 0 來源: boredpanda.com 美極了! 女化妝師試穿怪獸形象 0 來源: boredpanda.com

Источник: https://fishki.net/2405527-zhutko-krasivo-devushka-vizazhist-primerjaet-na-sebja-obrazy-monstrov.html © Fishki.net


美極了! 化妝師試穿怪獸形象 0 來源: boredpanda.com 美極了! 女化妝師試穿怪獸形象 0 來源: boredpanda.com 美極了! 女化妝師試穿怪獸形象 0 來源: boredpanda.com 美極了! 女化妝師試穿怪獸形象 0 來源: boredpanda.com 美極了! 女化妝師試穿怪獸形象 0 來源: boredpanda.com 美極了! 女化妝師試穿怪獸形象 0 來源: boredpanda.com 美極了! 女化妝師試穿怪獸形象 0 來源: boredpanda.com 美極了! 女化妝師試穿怪獸形象 0 來源: boredpanda.com 美極了! 女化妝師試穿怪獸形象 0 來源: boredpanda.com 美極了! 女化妝師試穿怪獸形象 0 來源: boredpanda.com

Источник: https://fishki.net/2405527-zhutko-krasivo-devushka-vizazhist-primerjaet-na-sebja-obrazy-monstrov.html © Fishki.net

















Everyday Objects Swirl in the Dizzying Choreography of Alain Biet’s Elaborate Animation




Items you might find on a shelf in the garage or packed away in the basement—like wrenches, your old MP3 player, key fobs, or spare light bulbs—become stars in their own right in Alain Biet’s mesmerizing animation. “Grands Canons,” which translates from French to “Big Guns,” opens with a close-up of the artist drafting a realistic, green pencil in watercolor. Once the rendering is complete, we meet another pencil, and another, as a “visual symphony” of thousands of precise drawings unfolds.

Biet’s intricately detailed illustrations highlight everyday objects we might find in a junk drawer, a closet, or even destined for the trash, emphasizing a variety of styles and how items have evolved over time. His survey of technology and tools stokes a tinge of nostalgia, too. Remember that old Discman, SLR camera, or Nokia brick? The gang’s all here in a dizzyingly choreographed sequence, accompanied by an original score that responds to the rhythms and movements of the drawings as they skitter and whirl across the surface.

Find more of the artist’s work his website and Instagram.


An animated image of illustrations of kitchen utensils from an animated short film by Alain Biet of thousands of aquarelle paintings of everyday objects.

A still of illustrations of pliers from an animated short film by Alain Biet of thousands of aquarelle paintings of everyday objects.

A animated image of keys and locks from an animated short film by Alain Biet of thousands of aquarelle paintings of everyday objects.

A still of illustrations of lightbulbs from an animated short film by Alain Biet of thousands of aquarelle paintings of everyday objects.


Artist Uses Her Hands As A Canvas To Show Her Hidden Worlds


We can create art on all kinds of mediums—from creating art in cracks on the streets to painting on your own body to create all kinds of illusions, to turning everyday objects into something much more exciting.

Golsa Goldchini, an artist born in Tehran and now living in Milan, also creates art in an uncommon place. She paints miniature and realistic paintings on her own hands. Her art is very colorful and full of detail. The little paintings look like they're popping off of her hand. Golsa creates all sorts of interesting art on unusual mediums, unleashing her creativity in many different ways.

More info: Instagram















Horror Movie Villains Get A Makeover Turning Them Into Sweet And Innocent Characters By This Artist


Some of the horror movie classics have the best villains that still creep me out to this day. But that is not the case for everyone. Illustrator Anastasia Panina, better known as Anastasia in Red on her social media accounts, reimagines these creepy characters as sweet and innocent ones.

This contrast is both funny and heartwarming, bringing a refreshing twist to the terrifying world of horror. So if you are a fan of horror movies, we highly advise you to follow Anastasia for more of her content.

More info: Instagram | Facebook | ainred.com


Meet Anastasia In Red, the artist behind these artworks



Jason Voorhees, Friday The 13th (1980)

Jason Voorhees, Friday The 13th (1980)



Ghostface, Scream (1996)

Ghostface, Scream (1996)



Predator (1987)

Predator (1987)



Pennywise, It (2017)

Pennywise, It (2017)


Samara Morgan, The Ring (2002)

Samara Morgan, The Ring (2002)


Hannibal Lecter, The Silence Of The Lambs (1991)

Hannibal Lecter, The Silence Of The Lambs (1991)


Pinhead, Hellraiser (1986)

Pinhead, Hellraiser (1986)


Michael Myers, Halloween (1978)

Michael Myers, Halloween (1978)


Freddy Krueger, A Nightmare On Elm Street (1984)

Freddy Krueger, A Nightmare On Elm Street (1984)


Critters & Dr. Alan Feinstone, The Dentist (1996)

Critters & Dr. Alan Feinstone, The Dentist (1996)


Elvira: Mistress Of The Dark (1988)

Elvira: Mistress Of The Dark (1988)


Jack Torrance, The Shining (1980)

Jack Torrance, The Shining (1980)