18 12月 2022

The history of the most mysterious curses

If you consider the curse to be children's fairy tales and gypsy horror stories - read the stories that happened in our time with completely rational, not subject to superstition people - and even if you believe only in reason, you will have goosebumps!....


James Dean's Cursed Car

 James Dean's Cursed Car

Iconic actor James Dean bought a sporty Porsche 550 Spyder shortly before his death, giving it the nickname "Little Bastard". The car justified him very soon: on September 30, 1955, Dean on the "Little Bastard" collided with another car and died in an accident. Soon the car was in the hands of automotive designer George Barris, who gave it to a car repair shop for repairs. There, Dean's Porsche fell off the suspension and broke the mechanic's legs. After that, Barris decided not to take risks and sold the car in parts. But they continued to live their own lives. The Little Bastard's engine and transmission were purchased by two different clients, both medical doctors. Soon both of them got into severe accidents in which one died and the other was seriously injured. A tire buyer from an unfortunate car ended up in the hospital when both tires he bought suddenly exploded. And while removing the mutilated remnants of the body, a truck transporting them got into an accident, the driver of which died under the Porsche body that collapsed on it. After that, the remains of the "Little Bastard" mysteriously disappeared in transit.


Curse of Presidents

 Curse of presidents

According to legend, the Indian leader Tehumesek in 1840 cursed the then US President William Harrison and all his followers, declaring that every 20 years the president in office would not outlive his term of office. Since then, this curse has come true with terrifying accuracy. His first victim was Harrison himself, who died after a month of his reign. The curse then hit successively Abraham Lincoln (1860), James Garfield (1880), William McKinley (1900), Warren Harding (1920), Franklin Roosevelt (1940) and John F. Kennedy (1960). Harding and Roosevelt died of illness, the rest of the victims were killed. The first exception was Ronald Reagan, who survived an assassination attempt in 1980. After that, the curse was gone: it seems that the killer's unsuccessful shot overcame the Indian magic.


The Curse of the Kennedy Family

 The Curse of the Kennedy Family The

The curse, which, according to many, weighs on the famous and richest Kennedy clan, has claimed 12 lives to date. His first victim was Joe Kennedy, Jr., whose plane exploded during a stupid air accident in 1944. Four years later, Joe's sister Kathleen died in a plane crash while on vacation with her second husband. In 1963, having barely taken the presidency, John F. Kennedy was assassinated, and five years later his brother, Senator Robert Kennedy, was also shot dead. Their third brother, Ted, did not believe in the family curse for a long time, but in 1969 his car suddenly lost control and fell into the river from the bridge. Ted Kennedy survived, although he was injured, and his passenger died. a mountain accident, a plane crash, a drug overdose - members of the Kennedy clan die every few years for a variety of reasons, and no one knows when the curse will stop.


cursed castle

 Cursed Castle

In 1915, a certain Ralph Wurtz-Dundas bought a plot of land in the Catskill Mountains, in the northern part of the Appalachians, deciding to build a family residence there. He built a real castle there, but shortly before the completion of the work, in 1921, he died under unknown circumstances. Since then, the inhabitants of Dundas Castle have been haunted by a real curse. Dundas' wife, Josephine, ended up in an insane asylum, and a few years later their daughter Muriel suffered the same fate. Since then, representatives of several branches of the Dundas family have tried to settle in the castle, but everyone who tried was waiting for either death or unexpected madness. Today the castle is abandoned.


"Poltergeist" - damn movie


The film "Poltergeist" is considered cursed by all members of the film crew. In the six years since the release of the popular horror film, four members of the crew died unexpectedly, including co-star Dominique Dunn, who was strangled by a jealous boyfriend, and girl actress Heather O'Rourke, who died of unexpected cardiac arrest at the age of 12. According to many participants in the filming, the props were to blame for the curse, who used real corpses from anatomical theaters for the filming of Poltergeist.


Curse of the Grimaldi

 Curse of Grimaldi

The curse also weighs on the princes of Monaco. According to legend, it is associated with the unworthy behavior of their ancestor, Rainier I, who ruled Monaco in the 14th century. They say that he so tortured the local beauty, who turned out to be a witch, with his shameless harassment, that she sent a curse on him - neither he nor his descendants were allowed to know happiness in marriage from now on. Since then, members of the Grimaldi family have been unlucky in love. Rainier III's wife, Grace Kelly, died in an accident, and their two daughters did not have a personal life at all. Rainier's brother, Albert II, was looking for love until the age of 50, but now he is happily married, and he and his wife are raising two children. Perhaps, with his long search for love, Albert earned forgiveness for the family?


Curse of Superman

 Curse of Superman

The role of Superman has long been associated with Hollywood actors with misfortunes, and for good reason. It is rumored that Superman's curse is connected with the initially unfortunate fate of the comic book - the authors Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster barely got it into the publishing house for a meager amount of $ 130 and unsuccessfully sued DC Comics for royalties all their lives. The first Superman in the television series, Kirk Alyn, never landed a major role and complained that Superman had ruined his life. He died in obscurity in 1999. His followers fared even worse. Bud Collyer, who voiced Superman in the radio show "The Adventures of Superman" and the animated series "The New Adventures of Superman", died suddenly from a circulatory disease at the age of 61 after voicing the next series. George Reeves, who played the role in the TV series The Adventures of Superman, was mysteriously shot dead at his home, and the most famous superman Christopher Reeve, who fell from a horse, remained paralyzed and died at 52 years old.


Curse the Li family

 The Curse of the Lee Family

Cantonese Opera actor Lee Hoi Chen, father of the famous Bruce Lee, according to family legend, once quarreled with a group of Chinese merchants, one of whom turned out to be a master of ancient magical arts. He cursed the actor, saying that the men of his family would die young. According to rumors, this is why Bruce Lee had two Chinese names - Li Xiaolong and Li Chengfan: in this way, his parents tried to avert trouble from him. But they didn’t succeed: Bruce Lee died in his prime, and then at the age of 28, his son Brandon also died, who was accidentally shot dead on the set. After Brandon's death, the family did not have a male descendant.


Curse of Sinatra

 Curse of Sinatra

Karaoke lovers should remember: once in the Philippines, in no case should you perform Frank Sinatra's song "My Way" in karaoke bars. According to local legend, at least six people mysteriously died after performing it in karaoke. Whether it's about the actions of a maniac who hates Sinatra, or it's in the first lines of the song, where it says that "the end is near, and the curtain is about to fall", - one way or another, that song is considered cursed in the Philippines, and its performance is taboo.

Curse goddesses Pele

Curse of Pele Goddess

Keepers of the Volcanoes National Park on the Hawaiian island of Honolulu always warn tourists that they should not take with them pieces of volcanic rock lying here and there: according to legend, they are considered the property of the local goddess Pele, who puts a curse on anyone who steals her stones . This could be considered an ancient fairy tale or an unusual way to force tourists to behave appropriately - if several times a year those who violated the ban did not send stolen stones to the reserve with descriptions of the misfortunes that had fallen on them and tearful requests to take the property of the goddess to the place so that earn her favor. Numerous letters from the victims of Pele's curse can be seen in the local museum.

Curse of Tutankhamun

Curse of Tutankhamun

When, in 1922, the expedition of Egyptologist Howard Carter and his sponsor, Lord Carnavon, found the tomb of Tutankhamun, archaeologists discovered a curse at the entrance to it, addressed to those who dare to disturb the body of the pharaoh. Of course, this did not stop scientists. But soon the expedition members began to die under very strange circumstances. Carter's canary was the first to die. Then things got even worse: Lord Carnavon died in agony from an infection, Carter's friend, Sir Bruce Ingram, to whom the scientist gave a souvenir from the tomb, was left without a roof over his head after his house burned to the ground. One of the noble Egyptians who entered the tomb with the scientists was shot dead by his own wife, the specialist who took x-rays of the mummy died under mysterious circumstances. One member of Carter's team died of pneumonia, another from poisoning. Lord Carnavon's secretary, Richard Bethell, was found strangled in his own home. The British governor-general of Sudan, who visited the tomb, was shot dead in his car. Finally, the death of Hugh Evelyn White, an archaeologist and one of Carter's associates, who hanged himself after leaving a note written in his own blood: "I am the victim of a curse that makes me disappear."

The Curse of The Omen

The Curse of The Omen The

The 1976 film about the Antichrist was full of ominous omens from the start. While filming, Gregory Peck and producer Mace Newfield were involved in plane crashes that almost cost them their lives: the planes they were flying on were struck by lightning. And it was two different planes! During filming, Gregory Peck's son shot himself. Newfield nearly died during a dinner at a hotel in Britain where the IRA terrorists staged a bombing. The plane, which was supposed to be used for filming, crashed during its last flight, and none of the passengers escaped. But the most terrifying incident happened to special effects specialist John Richardson, who came up with and implemented in the film a nightmarish sequence with a decapitation. Together with his assistant in Holland, he got into a terrible car accident. Richardson himself did not suffer much, but his assistant was cut off his head - almost the same as in the film. All doubts about the causes of the accident disappeared from Richardson when he saw a road sign near the accident site: "Ommen - 66.6 km." Indeed, in Holland there is the city of Ommen, which turned out to be nearby - but this coincidence turned out to be excessive.
