08 12月 2022

7 habits of Japanese women in everyday


For centuries, different peoples have developed their own culture, incomprehensible to others.

But in certain countries there are quite modern habits, which also never cease to amaze foreigners. For example, Russian women never cease to be surprised at how women from the Land of the Rising Sun often behave in everyday life.

Brush your teeth after every meal.

Japanese women are literally obsessed with oral hygiene. They brush their teeth after every meal, and they manage to do this even outside the home walls.

To do this, in their handbags there is always a kind of travel kit, where toothpaste and a toothbrush are. And in any cafe or restaurant they will be provided with all the conditions for brushing their teeth without any problems.

Gargle all the time.

In many countries, including Russia, when you come to visit, it is customary to wash your hands before the table. And not only at a party - for example, we do this when leaving the toilet.

Japanese ladies have a throat in the first place. Instead of washing their hands on similar occasions, they gargle. For this, Japanese women, as in the case of brushing their teeth, always carry a special tool with them.

Committed to saving water.

Despite the fact that Japanese women brush their teeth and gargle all day long, they save water in the house. For this, many of them even have special devices.

They help keep the water from going down the drain until the Japanese woman bathes herself, and then rinses the laundry in the same water. It is unlikely that a Russian woman would come up with something like that.

Never dry underwear in plain sight.

It is not uncommon to see balconies hung with washed linen in Russia, or even ropes in the yards. For Japanese women, such a thing is taboo.

Girls' panties and bras are dried only at home, and a special opaque cover is used for this. Although there are no official bans on this subject in the country.

Separate toilet slippers are used.

Surely no one in our country would think of such a thing. But Japanese girls have separate slippers in front of the toilet room, which they put on before entering and take off after leaving.

Moreover, such a tradition is so developed that girls wear toilet slippers not only at home, but also at work, in hospitals, shopping centers and other public places.

No sanitizer anywhere.

Another proof that Japanese women are literally obsessed with hygiene is the constant use of sanitizers everywhere and everywhere - in the toilet, on the subway, public transport, even after visiting the supermarket or cinema.

By the way, the coronavirus has absolutely nothing to do with it. This tradition has firmly entered the life of the Japanese long before the pandemic.

Loud eating of your favorite noodles.

Noodles are considered the national dish of the inhabitants of many Asian countries, and Japan is no exception. Moreover, in the Land of the Rising Sun, it has been prepared for many centuries. At the same time, there is a special culture of eating this dish, which, most likely, frankly shocks the same Russians. The Japanese eat noodles with a loud smack of pleasure.

It is curious, but the louder and uglier for us the Japanese eat their noodles, the more beautiful and appetizing it is.
