05 8月 2022

Moments At Airports That Caused Such A Stir – People Couldn’t Help But Stare

Air travel can either be a total breeze or an absolute disaster, you never really know which way it will go. These are the most hilarious moments that happened in airports.


Being at the airport means adjusting. Adjusting to the rules, adjusting to delays, adjusting to time differences, or adjusting into a confortable position on a long layover. Sometimes it's too hot, sometimes too cool so you need to travel prepared. No matter the situation, you may find yourself having to adjust to all kinds of bizarre circumstances.


Getting Handsy

Awkward moment #100108338 at the airport. Obviously, this security guard was just doing her job, but it seems like her handsy manoeuvre was caught at the exact right time. We can't help but wonder if she knew cameras were rolling when this routine security check went down.

What A Welcome

Of course some welcome home signs can be incredibly awkward, while others are sweet and thoughtful. This husband wanted to welcome home his wife in the best way possible, so not only was he sweet, he paid her a huge compliment that probably resulted in quite a few blushes. Picking her up dressed as a limo driver and writing "Smokin Hot Italian Chick," earned him quite a few looks, but it was certainly worth it. He probably got big brownie points.

Mom Off Duty

By the look of this young one's face, Dad couldn't have gotten home at a better time. This humorous sign is one of our favorites, it's sweet and lighthearted while managing to pick fun at Dad (and Mom). We're wondering how long Dad was away for Mom to have quit two weeks prior! Such a sweet gesture, we're sad we didn't get to see Dad's reaction to their "Welcome Back" sign. We hope Mom managed to gain her strength back, but if not, Dad's back!

Random Security Checks

If you frequent the airport a lot, then you know there is no avoiding a random security check. However, being help up and having to pose for the x-ray machines isn't always to peak of a traveller's airport experience. At least this woman is taking her scan with a smile.

Do You Mean Duty?

We're guessing that this man of duty couldn't have asked for a better welcome home sign. These two lovebirds look so happy to see each other we'd be surprised if he even read the sign. As the two embrace in each other's arms, the world disappears behind them. We're happy this guy got home safe, and that his girl was waiting for him. A sweet welcome home, and we're happy we got to be a part of it, even if it's only through the internet.


When your flight's delayed you need to find the perfect place to make yourself comfortable, which is not the easiest of things. This woman thought outside of the box and was smart enough the maneuver herself under the armrests. You'd have to be a certain size to make this one work!

Welcome Aboard

This just does not seem like a practical place for the pilot to sit. Of all people, she should know the dangers of getting to0 close to the door, whether it's open or shut. Whatever the case may be in this photo, we know for sure that one lucky passenger must have had the honor or getting the pic in the first place. Hopefully she got around to serving drinks after that.

Place All Cuddly Objects In A Bin

What is worse than traveling with a child? Traveling with a small baby. They are unpredictable and can cry at any time, and must be lugged around in a stroller. When this mother was asked to take her shoes off by TSA, she had to put her baby down somewhere while she did so. Let's just hope the baby was not put through the X-ray machine, as that wouldn't be a good situation for anyone.

Flying To See Jenny

At the Nashville International Airport, travelers were in for a treat when they spotted Forrest Gump at the airport. Even the Nike sneakers and haircut resembled the famous film character. While there is no information where he was going or what he was doing, we'd like to think he was traveling to see his own Jenny. In any case, if the Forrest lookalike was about to miss his flight, other passengers could just start shouting "run, Forrest! Run!"

When You Think No One Is Watching

Traveller's beware. Someone is always watching. Be it the security cameras, undercover security guards, or just random travellers navigating their way through the airport. So if you're going to strike a pose like this lady did, just know that your moment could  be caught on camera. She was probably just very excited to get where she was going.

Choking Up

We have seen some embarrassing welcome home signs, but this has to be one of the most mortifying. Mokie was in for a shocking surprise when he walked out of the gate. His friends found the most embarrassing photo, choking on some food and decided to blow it up huge and hold it for the whole airport to see. We hope he saw the funny side of it and wasn't chewing anything as he walked off the flight in the case this face would happen again.

Proposed Itinerary

You can't help but smile when you see a couple getting engaged in public. Anyone who has experienced that moment will remember the shock and overall excitement that comes with being asked to spend you life with the one. This man chose to propose when his partner returned from a trip, straight as she walked out of the gate. Everyone in the background couldn't contain their excitement for the adorable couple, and most importantly, she said yes!

Doodie Free

The vast majority of airports are not dog-friendly, but the small percentage of them that do, make plenty of allowances for man's best friends. No matter how well-trained your dog is, they have needs just like the rest of us. This San Diego airport decided to assign a special "pet relief" area, so your pet can go about its business in peace and without nasty looks from appalled passengers. Think about it, it's also a great place to hang around with cute puppies while waiting around.
