24 7月 2022

Digital Blending – Inspiring Landscape and Urban Photography by Daniel Cheong


Daniel Cheong describes himself as a passionate amateur photographer and a techie. He is admittedly obsessed in making his urban landscapes look better than they actually are using a technique called ‘digital blending’. He has a Master’s Degree in Computer Science and he works as a Technical Manager for Nokia during the day. At night, he grabs his camera and goes shooting urban landscapes to his heart’s content. He has no immediate plans to switch careers and adamantly maintains that photography is just his hobby – for now. Although he does sell prints of his work, the proceeds simply go on to finance better equipment and photo trips. He said: “Try to find your own style, be inspired by others but try not to copy them. Don’t believe too much in EXIF data, just go out there, take hundreds of shots, experiment (with) different settings. Also better focus on a specific type of photography which is in your comfort zone, and try to improve and perfect it. Only after, you can try to explore new genres of photography”

