07 3月 2022

Incredible Photos of Me and My Cardboard Cutouts at Sunset

When I am free, I unwind by posing for photos with my cutout cardboards when the sun is setting. The outcome is amazing photos that depict various images. Enjoy the magic of some of those moments.


Queue and Answer Me


I desire to get these three to answer who had a bite on my apple. They all look innocent, but you never can tell. Maybe the sun will have set after I find the culprit.


I Believe I Can Fly


I will not wait for an opportunity to pass me by when I have a horse with wings. I will take a ride on its back and head to wherever he wishes to take me.


Where Do We Turn to Now


We got lost, and none of us can tell what direction is right. Stuck in the woods, and darkness is almost catching up with us. My pal is trying to be helpful, and I will listen.


Here Comes the Earth Shaker


I feel small posing below this huge robot but safe at the same time. This giant is the work of my hands and cannot go against me. Should I be cautious and not trust it?


Damsel in Distress


I somehow felt pity for the lovely mermaid struggling to be free. The environment polluters are at it again. I am not inhumane, and I had to come to the rescue today.


The Race for The Swift


The hunter may be stronger, but I am hoping the impala am riding on will not be its supper tonight. While at the race, I take a photo of it because the determination is worth emulating.


Hanging on The Line


Who would have thought that I would comfortably lay my life on the line for a photo? The birds’ moment and my gaze down on earth is one you would give anything to enjoy any day.


Reserved Roles


My dear friend, I will keep you company. You will sleep inside as I lay on the roof of your house. How about we change roles? I watch over you tonight as you have been doing.


The Peace Messenger


With a twig on its beak, what message would this peaceful bird be bringing? Only good tidings, I open my arms wide to receive it. In a world full of hopelessness, the dove brings hope.


The Sharp-Teethed Guide


I am lost, and it does not matter who my guide on the right way is. I am taking chances for I have to get back home. So dear shark, could you be kind enough?


The Smashing Giant


I need a companion who will help me bring sanity to the human race and who better than this giant. They do not listen to their kind; maybe a different one will pass the message.


Taken into The Light


I do not know if this is the last day on earth for me. On my cow’s back, we get ushered into the light that takes us upwards hope will be back to tell the story.


On a Hunting Spree


With hunting guns on our shoulders, we go deep into the woods for game. Who would have thought that ducks would be better hunting partners? It was one adventure of a lifetime for all of us.


Off Goes My Favorite Cap


I was not ready for this leap, but my horse is proving to be a daredevil. I should have left my favorite cap behind or tucked it in tighter as the wind blew it away.


Under My Small Umbrella


Whatever is about to fall on us from the skies should not scare you. Rain or shine, my dear coyote, I am protecting you the best way I know how. No harm shall befall you.


The Wide-Mouthed Reptile


I am up in the air, and below me is a crocodile with its mouth wide open. The teeth sharp to rip any prey apart. Should I trust it or my instincts and dive away?


The Turtledoves


Rarely do I get to witness natural wonders so closely, and this day is one of a kind. I get the opportunity to see these turtledoves hatching, and it is spectacular to watch them do it.


The Genie in The Air


You can imagine the excitement I had thinking I had discovered a genie. Not so fast, as it was only the cleaning lady. I am not so disappointed, though, as I would do with some cleaning.


No Human Comes Close


I have an encounter with an alien, and it seems my company is not welcome. I am trying the best to show my humane side and assure the alien humans are not dangerous at all.


The Talking Penguin


The sunset is marvelous, and I try to take all in, but my companion would not allow. The penguin resting on my shoulders is unmoved by the beautiful scenery and prefers to be a chatterbox.


