30 8月 2022
25 8月 2022
22 8月 2022
Logo Mashups Which Provoke People To Think Twice About Brands They See, As Created By This Graphic Artist
People definitely like mashups and crossovers. To prove this, just look at the list of the highest-grossing films of all time - in the top five, two places are occupied by probably the biggest crossovers that cinema has ever known. And this is certainly not the limit.
The human mind is very flexible and creative. It constantly comes up with various combinations that cannot exist in principle. What if the T-rex attacks an elephant? If Harry Potter goes to Middle-earth and finds the Ring of Power? If Michael Jordan and LeBron James go head-to-head in Space Jam? What if Starbucks cups weren't labeled with customer names, but with their phone numbers?
There can be a huge number of such options and often, talented people work at the intersection of these realities, creating new concepts for our joy. One of such people is Mostafa Azzam, a 28-year-old graphic designer from Dumyat, Egypt, who created a whole cycle of twisted logos, imagining how the emblems of global brands would look in the style of other brands' logos.
Youtube X Red Bull
Nasa X Nissan
Nescafé X Netflix
Amazon X Coca-Cola
Energizer X Pringles
Heineken X Heinz
Snickers X Energizer
Tiktok X Spotify
Google X Gillette
21 8月 2022
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莱茵河,关键航段水位下降到 30cm,不足浴缸的水位,处于无法通航的水位。
泰晤士河,河流上游源头完全干涸,向下游退行了 8km。
卢瓦尔河,8 月 11 日开始,已干涸断流。
法国咨询公司 Strategie Grains 发布的报告预计,欧盟本年度作物季的玉米产量将同比下降超 20%,整体谷物产量将同比下降 8.5%。
供应世界 50% 橄榄油产能的西班牙,预测本年度橄榄产量,将下降三分之一。
据美国干旱监测机构 USDM 数据,美西大约 6% 的地区处于 “极其干旱状态”,这是警告级别最高的旱灾状态,次一级 “极端干旱状态” 则占比 23%,再次一级 “严重干旱状态” 占比 26%。合计 55% 的地区在发生干旱。
美国南加州居民已经被要求减少 20% 的用水量。
美国最大的水库 —— 米德湖,截至 7 月中下旬日,米德湖水位仅为最大水位的 27%,这是自 1937 年以来米德湖的最低水位。
国内今年也不太平,整个伏天,动不动就是 40°c 以上的极端高温,川渝等地的久不下雨,用电量飙升而水力发电能力削弱,部分地区不得不限电停产。
不久之前,四川省发了文件,在全省范围内对工业用户实施生产全停,一直持续到 8 月 20 日,让电于民。
全球粮仓就那么几个,西欧在大旱,东欧在战火不断,美国也在旱,南美上半年开始就已经开始旱,截止今年 6 月全球粮价已经同比上涨了 40%,从全球来看,
What is the Most Expensive Ad?
In the history of the commercial industry, videos represented the best option for increasing sales or marketing services, learn through this article What is the Most Expensive Ad ? And how long did it last?
What is the Most Expensive Ad in History and how long did it last?
In advertising, brand and product information is handled a lot. That is why there are many companies that make use of commercials to promote their merchandise, some of these commercials or videos have generated very large monetary costs.
Some of them last for seconds and others for minutes. Years have passed since they were seen for the first time and although they are no longer seen, they are still in the memory of people, either because of the stars who participated in them or due to the complexity of the production.
Studio City, The Audition
At a cost of 70 million dollars, in 2015 a casino called Studio City was promoted in Macau. It was produced by the company Melco Crown Entertainment, who had the luxury of hiring the film director Martin Scorsese. This in turn called the actors Robert de Niro, Leonardo DiCaprio and Brad Pitt, to make an exceptional short film to promote the casino.
Chanel No. 5, The Movie
In 2004, the most famous perfume and fashion brand in the world spent the amount of 33 million dollars to make one of the most expensive advertisements, which in that year entered the Guinness Book of Records, was It was a commercial for Channel No. 5 perfume, where they hired the talented actress Nicole Kidman, who was directed by Baz Luhrmann, the same one who directed the movie Moulin Rouge. Most of the money went to pay the fees of the actress.
Nike, "The Black Mamba"
The Nike company spent 30 million dollars in 2011 for a short with the direction of Robert Rodríguez, in which a sports shoe is promoted, and they participated in the video: Danny Trejo, Bruce Willis, Kanye West and the late basketball player Kobe Bryant.
Also a year earlier they had spent 35 million dollars on the video for “Write the Future” to promote the 2010 World Cup. They hired the Wieden&Kennedy agency, the director was Alejandro González Iñárritu, and the Rooney soccer players participated. , Ronaldhino, Ribery and Cristiano Ronaldo. The entire production was done in three months.
Adidas, "Everything is in"
It was a 2011 sports clothing campaign in which David Beckham, Lionel Messi and Katy Perry were present, 28 million dollars were invested in it.
Reviva, “Names”
At a cost of more than 13 million dollars in 2008, the British insurer Norwich Union invested that money launching Aviva, its new commercial name, for this they hired singer Alice Cooper, actor Bruce Willis and former Beatle Ringo. Starr.
Chrysler, “Imported from Detroit”
It was made in 2011 at a cost of 12 million dollars, rapper Eminem was hired to sing at halftime of Super Bowl number 45. This video reached that same year, 18 million visits on the YouTube page
Bud Light, "Ready for Anything"
For Super Bowl number 47, in 2014, the live commercial was launched where a young man has a very strange night in his life next to Reggie Watts, Don Cheadle, Arnold Schwarzenegger and One Republic, cost 12 million dollars.
Carlton Draft, “Show of Troops in the Air”
With an expense of 9 million dollars, this commercial was made in 2008 for an Australian company, in which a huge troop of paratroopers are seen jumping from a giant beer can.
In 2002 for the Super Bowl, the Pepsi company spent $8.1 million for the intermission, featuring Britney Spears modeling flashy clothes from 1958 to 2002.
Pepsi y Michael Jackson
Pepsi paid Michael Jackson the amount of 5 million dollars to make a commercial for his soft drink, one was made in 1983 and another would be made in 1984, one of Jackson's conditions is that his song Billie Jean should be used in the Pepsi jingle and that his face will not be shown for more than 4 seconds, but his hands with his iconic diamond gloves and his dancing feet will be shown.
The ad would be broadcast on MTV for free if they had an exclusivity contract. The campaign worked and Pepsi sales increased. For 1984 the second announcement would be made, this time with Michel Jackson and his brothers. In one of the scenes he was supposed to be on the steps at the end of the stage near the fireworks sparkling behind him.
In the sixth shot there is an explosion, which launched sparks into Michael Jackson's hair which caught fire due to the gel, Jackson continued dancing until he reached the foot of the steps while people tried to put out the flames. Jackson suffered severe burns to his scalp, face, and body.
After an agreement Pepsi paid Jackson 1.5 million dollars, money that the singer himself donated to a California medical center, he did not sue the company because he thought it had been an accident.
Fox Sports Television Network
This chain is the one that has made the most investments in advertisements and commercials, among them the most expensive in history, one of them exceeded the cost of 5.6 million dollars for only 30 seconds, for the transmission of the Super Bowl, the final of the NFL cup.
This was held in the city of Miami, believe it or not, all the spaces that the chain had for this transmission were sold for more than five million each, exceeding its sales of advertising space to 400 million dollars in a single transmission.
The companies that most seek to make announcements in this broadcast are Budweiser and Pepsico. On the last occasion, even President Donald Trump bought one of these spaces to promote his re-election.