24 7月 2022

Digital Blending – Inspiring Landscape and Urban Photography by Daniel Cheong


Daniel Cheong describes himself as a passionate amateur photographer and a techie. He is admittedly obsessed in making his urban landscapes look better than they actually are using a technique called ‘digital blending’. He has a Master’s Degree in Computer Science and he works as a Technical Manager for Nokia during the day. At night, he grabs his camera and goes shooting urban landscapes to his heart’s content. He has no immediate plans to switch careers and adamantly maintains that photography is just his hobby – for now. Although he does sell prints of his work, the proceeds simply go on to finance better equipment and photo trips. He said: “Try to find your own style, be inspired by others but try not to copy them. Don’t believe too much in EXIF data, just go out there, take hundreds of shots, experiment (with) different settings. Also better focus on a specific type of photography which is in your comfort zone, and try to improve and perfect it. Only after, you can try to explore new genres of photography”


23 7月 2022

















等资料带回去以后,她居然随手就把别的同事辛苦营销的客户划在自己名下,还跟领导说那天多热多辛苦多不容易,那句 “我脖子都晒脱皮了呢” 我至今映像深刻。




先后轮个 N 个岗位,套路都是如出一辙,交办的工作,要么推三阻四,要么敷衍了事,从来没有踏踏实实保质保量得完成过一项本质工作,最热衷的事情就是在单位当三陪,陪吃饭陪喝酒陪开会。只要有机会接近高层,没有条件也要创造条件上的那种。


全世界皆我妈,所有同事皆我爸,你们都得让着我宠着我,最好就是打不还手骂不还口早上帮我带早饭晚上顺路送回家,动不动就 “哎呀你不是顺路嘛”“哎呀你看我这么可怜的份上帮帮我嘛”。






12 7月 2022

Artist Transforms Discarded Music Instruments And Other Vintage Items Into Lamps

Slava Korolev is an artist from New Jersey, US. Korolev operates an exclusive studio called Lightdents. He collects discarded musical instruments and other various vintage items that he later turns into very original-looking and attractive lamps, chandeliers, and even wine bottle holders. Of course, Slava’s most popular works are lamps, given how much thought and detail he puts into his one-of-a-kind artworks.

 “I am the only person behind Lightdents. The story behind it is very mundane: it was 2014—the year of the poor skiing season in the Northeast and I had plenty of time to kill. I remember looking at my humble collection of vintage horns and wall-hangers and decided to make a couple of lamps.

I felt at that time that they were begging for attention, being sad, broken, and purposelessly existing. So I made a couple of lamps and when I had a party with friends at my house, they loved it so much, I gave them these lamps as a present. Then friends of my friends saw those and asked me to make one for them—and so on... I ended up making quite a few and had to start selling them to make room for more.
