21 7月 2024








最近,博主@歸樸園主 成了网友口中的新晋“赛博爷爷”,


#70岁老头自学平板电脑绘画 的标签,更是看傻众人。
























































17 5月 2024

Famous criminologist admits the authenticity of the video with aliens

 The footage captures a mysterious figure above the fence. The stranger's face is not visible, but the author described him as a tall, thin, long creature with a gray-greenish skin color. 


A viral video that supposedly shows encounters with aliens in Las Vegas (USA) is not actually fake.

    “Once you see it, you won’t be able to object. We tried to find out the truth and find some traces of outside interference in the recording, but the results of the check showed that it is authentic. There is no editing,” says Roder.


The video in question was filmed on the night of April 30 to May 1 in 2023. Its author is a teenager named Angel Kenmore, who was previously identified by some local media as Angel Gomez.

The footage shows a mysterious figure under the fence. The stranger's face is not visible, but the author described him as a tall, thin, long creature with a gray-greenish skin color.

Kenmore called 911 around 11:50 p.m. It was at this time that one of the Las Vegas police officers reported an unknown object in the sky that was moving very quickly.


Expert Ben Hansen, host of the UFO Witness program on Discovery+, suggested that the strange movement was caused by the reflection of a flashlight. However, the eyewitness is unshakable in his rightness - he is firmly convinced that he saw the aliens with his own eyes.

“I don’t understand how a shadow could create such a silhouette under the fence. I am 100% convinced that these are not people,” he added, publishing a transcript of his call to the police.

According to Angel, the extraterrestrial creatures are very large (8-10 feet tall), have large mouths and shiny eyes. Even the police officers who responded to the call were scared.

“My heart is breaking out of my chest brother, I just saw a star fall and now these people are saying there are aliens in their yard,” one said.

The American Meteor Society reported that the UFO flash was seen as far away as California and Utah. After the incident, law enforcement installed webcams at the Kenmore residence and said they have not yet found any evidence that this is a hoax.


09 5月 2024

The same unfinished bridge collapsed for the second time in India

 Part of an unfinished bridge collapsed in the state of Bihar. More than $208 million was spent on its construction. 


 Something is wrong with the Indians with this Aguvani-Sultanganj bridge! It was designed to connect between Khagaria and Bhagalpur districts, but was already partially collapsed in November 2022 during a storm. And here is a new emergency. Cracks formed on the 206-meter bridge, and its front part between supports 2 and 3, without any additional impact, collapsed on June 4 in front of eyewitnesses.


 Nothing is known about the casualties yet. It is reported that a commission will be created that will investigate the causes of the bridge collapse. They promise to punish the culprits.

Meanwhile, bridges in India are a sore subject. And it is not always possible to do without casualties. So, in October 2022, over 150 people who came to the Festival of Lights died. A bridge over the Machha River in the western Indian state of Gujarat could not withstand the massive crowd of people and collapsed due to overload.

It is noteworthy that the structure was under repair for a long time and was opened several days before the holiday.

06 5月 2024





有人懷疑這是不明飛行物;一些懷疑的夜空愛好者則聲稱這是一顆彗星。 但一切都變得平淡得多。





國防部 證實 ,是的,確實,火箭已經過測試,但我們還沒有太空水母庫存。




 一年前,一枚洲際彈道飛彈也在阿斯特拉罕地區東北部的卡普斯京亞爾試驗場進行了測試。 然後,正如國防部所寫的那樣,“導彈的訓練彈頭以指定的精度擊中了哈薩克訓練場的條件目標。”



23 3月 2024

聯盟號 MS-25 太空船向國際太空站的發射在最後一刻被取消



由聯盟 MS-25 太空船從 拜科努爾航天發射場 被取消 向國際太空站發射聯盟 2.1a 的計劃在最後一刻 。 原因尚未公佈。 根據初步消息,重啟將在24小時內進行。




 發射計畫於莫斯科時間 16:21

 聯盟號上共有三名船員:太空人奧列格·諾維茨基、白俄羅斯代表瑪麗娜·瓦西列夫斯卡婭和美國人特雷西·戴森。 瓦西列夫斯卡婭是第一位首次前往國際太空站的白俄羅斯太空人。 他們原定與諾維茨基一起在國際太空站停留 12 天,並於 4 月 2 日與美國勞拉·奧哈拉號一起乘坐聯盟號 MS-24 太空船返回地球。


 UPD:俄新社引述美國太空總署的 報告 稱,由於發動機未及時啟動,火箭發射未能進行。 該出版物寫道,下一次發射將在 3 月 23 日之前進行。